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The Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin (ECMath) was founded in 2014. It is supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, by the three universities Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB), and Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and by the two research institutes Weierstraß Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastic (WIAS) and Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB).

The main goals of ECMath are to support mathematical research in selected innovation areas and to establish and strengthen a network structure of excellent joint initiatives in Berlin.

Presently, ECMath includes, as founding members, the Research Center Matheon the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) and the German Center for Teacher Education in Mathematics (DZLM) and as additional members the Research Campus Modal, the DFG Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs) 647, 1114, and Transregional Research Centers (TRs) 109, 154.

Through its versatile activities, ECMath aims at providing support for application-oriented basic research within Matheon, thus, targeting mathematics for innovation in key applications. By the conception of "Mathematics as a Whole", it fosters a comprehensive approach to mathematics and its applications through the training of young scientists and early-career students. Within this activity, ECMath provides attractive stipends for extraordinarily well-qualified BMS students, and it furthers and supports school activities of the DZLM. Another focus of ECMath is knowledge transfer from science to industry.

In this way, ECMath supports and creates an environment for connecting comprehensive mathematical education, cutting-edge research in pure and applied mathematics, and large-scale applications in industry and society.