
American Chemical Society awards Prof. Frank Noé
Frank Noé, Professor at FU Berlin and PI in the recently startet Cluster of Excellence MATH+, receives this year's early career award for theoretical chemistry of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The prize awards his pioneering development of innovative methods for computational biophysics, especially Markov state modeling and its applications to challenging protein simulation and the sampling problem. The ACS Physical Chemistry Division annually sponsors senior and early-career awards in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry that are intended to recognize the most outstanding scientific achievements of members of the division. Frank Noé has an interdisciplinary chair in the departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics and Chemistry.
Mathematics shaping the future
MATH+ The Berlin Mathematics Research Center chosen as new cluster of excellenceSustainable energy supply, individualized medicine or the analysis of social processes: Technology and society face challenges that are characterized by increasing complexity, driven, among others, by increasing digitization and ever larger amounts of available data. Mathematics plays a key role in mastering all this and taking advantage of the opportunities that come with it. With the Berlin Mathematical Research Center MATH+ we build an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional cluster of excellence that develops new approaches to application-oriented mathematics. This should benefit both diverse applications and mathematics itself.