To perform excellent innovative research, highly educated young researchers are needed. The formation of the next generation of scientists starts with the pre-school education. Thus, a crucial mission of the Berlin mathematical community is to view the education in mathematics as a whole, beginning with the pre-school education, continuing with the education in schools and in Bachelor/Master programs up to a possible PhD education, and beyond.
In order to cover all phases in the education chain and to enable ourselves to master this challenge in a conceptual way, a close cooperation between Matheon, BMS, and the DZLM, as well as a mutual integration of respective activities within ECMath is of crucial importance.
Mathematics as a Whole
The education and training of mathematics teachers in the German Center for Teacher Education in Mathematics (DZLM) arises as a part of the education chain in mathematics with a focus towards graduate education in the BMS and the application driven research performed in Matheon and ECMath.
In collaboration with DZLM, ECMath promotes teacher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), in particular with the emphasis to increase the number of female (teacher) students in the STEM fields.
In cooperation with HU Berlin, ECMath is funding one position in the project "Professional development of pre-school teachers: promoting early mathematics education" (Jürg Kramer, Luise Fehlinger)
which is carried out in collaboration of Matheon and DZLM allowing the DZLM to extend its activities from the primary school to the pre-school level.
Graduate Training and Fellowships
The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), a joint graduate school of the three major Berlin universities, FU Berlin, HU Berlin, and TU Berlin, invites excellent mathematics students from all over the world to make good use of the ample opportunities offered by the rich and diverse mathematics teaching and research environment of Berlin.
The BMS creates outstanding conditions for study by offering its students a wide range of opportunities and support, including supervision and mentoring for all students, and an excellent study and working environment at the three participating universities.
The BMS offers both graduate (Phase I) and PhD (Phase II) students access to all math research groups in Berlin, in particular, to the DFG Research Training Groups (Graduiertenkollegs) and other ongoing research projects.
The BMS integrates the existing mathematics Research Training Groups (RTG) and International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) as certified units that provide the research environment and supervision for Phase II students.
ECMath supports scholarships for top BMS students with an excellent theoretical background and application-driven research profile. Moreover, BMS Phase II students and BMS Postdocs will have the opportunity to participate in the research projects of Matheon as supported by ECMath.
Application information on the BMS website.